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Statement of Faith

We believe: 

  • Statement of Faith | Veritas Collegiate Academy | Christian SchoolThe sixty-six books of the Holy Bible are the authoritative, inerrant Word of God. The Scriptures guide us in all matters of faith and practice.
  • There is but one God, eternally existent in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • Adam, the first man, sinned in his disobedience toward God and through his disobedience sin extended to all his posterity. Consequently, all are born sinners, spiritually dead and relationally separated from God.
  • Jesus Christ was sent by God to fulfill the divine Law through perfect obedience. Having lived a sinless life in obedience to His Father, He was sacrificed on the Cross as the perfect, complete sacrifice for sin. On the third day, God raised Him from the dead, after He had provided a full redemption for His chosen people - those for whom He died.
  • We sinners receive the gift of salvation by His grace through faith alone, not as a result of any of our works. God will regenerate all believers through the invincible power of the Holy Spirit.
  • A true church may be known by its engaging in the preaching of the Gospel, the right administration of the sacraments, and faithful exercising of church discipline. We Christians seek to unite in fellowship with His church.
  • The local church is the primary place of fellowship and growth of believers.
  • The resurrection of the believer unto everlasting life is through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Our role as educators is to be in loco parentis – in the place of the parent. Parents are responsible to educate their children in the Lord. Educators must be the delegates of the parents, assisting them in the education of their children, but never usurping their God-given parental prerogative and responsibility.
  • Biblical discipline, the encouragement of an obedient child and the correction of a disobedient child, is a critical and necessary part of education. The misbehavior of one child shall not be permitted to continuously hinder the education of other children.
  • Fathers are the God-ordained heads of their households. Whenever possible, we desire that each father assume leadership in the education of his children.
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